About sales of Elgee neo® 金箔・金粉の通販は至善堂 – Shizendo

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To renew the product line, Elgee neo® is now out of stock.
Below is the detail of the renewal.

Please contact us from the Contact tab if you would like to purchase the discontinued colours.



  1. Elgee neo® SG
  2. Elgee neo® BG
  3. Elgee neo® VIOLET
  4. Elgee neo® YELLOW
  5. Elgee neo® BLACK


[New Colours]

  1. Elgee neo® N-GOLD
  2. Elgee neo® N-RED
  3. Elgee neo® N-BLUE
  4. Elgee neo® N-GREEN
  5. Elgee neo® N-PINK
  6. Elgee neo® N-COPPER