The Timeless Beauty of The Japanese Traditional Sumi Ink by KOBAIEN (古 金箔・金粉の通販は至善堂 – Shizendo

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Building on our exploration of 'Yuenbokuzumi and Kanamakizumi' in part one, this section 2 will take you on a captivating tour of one of the oldest sumi ink workshops in Japan.

Founded in 1577 (late Muromachi period) in Nara, the birthplace of Japanese ink making, the company boasts a 447-year legacy of preserving traditional techniques.

From the bustling heart of the shopping street, venture a little further and you'll be greeted by a historic storefront. Step past the billowing Noren curtains and down a long,
narrow passageway. Here you will find a dedicated workshop for each stage of the ink-making process. The rails of a trolley, disappearing deep into the alley, hint at the unseen depths of this traditional craft.

The quiet workshop beckons. Its wooden walls stained a deep ink color, and eaves adorned with weathered rope hint at its age. The rhythmic thump of kneading ink fills the air, transporting you to a traditional era.

Commitment to manufacturing

“Kobaien is preserving the old ways.”

In our rapidly changing world, traditional ink-making offers a valuable link to the past. These time-tested methods and materials create a unique product imbued with history and craftsmanship.

For example, the room where ink is hung to dry is still made of wood and has shoji doors. Because it is built in a clay storehouse, it is possible to naturally control humidity.
It is in this environment that the best ink can be made, both now and in the past.

Many of the sumi ink-making tools have been in use since the Edo period, and they are used with care while being repaired.

An employee said, “Every time I show a visitor around, I feel proud that we are continuing to make sumi ink in the old-fashioned way.'' I felt that this was proof that the Kobaien spirit that goes into making ink has been imbued in every employee.

In the art of sumi ink making, preserving the legacy goes beyond just the craft itself.
Mentoring young artisans is equally crucial, ensuring these ancient methods aren't lost to time. It's a dedicated effort to safeguard a piece of history.

Within each drop of sumi ink lies a whisper of eternity. Skilled hands transform it into calligraphy or paintings, breathing life into these timeless forms. Much like gold leaf, ink possesses a quiet brilliance, its beauty deepening with every discovery. The more you delve into the art of sumi ink, the more its beauty will captivate you.
