“Koto-kit,” The All-in-one Gilding Kit for the Beginners 金箔・金粉の通販は至善堂 – Shizendo

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Have you checked out our new toolkit?

Adding to the diversity of metallic materials that we offer, here is an all-in-one kit so you can start gilding right away as soon as it arrives at your place.

Through this, we hope to create an opportunity -koto- for all the creators to get in touch with small things -mono- around you.

The very first edition is “Ojizo san statue” Sneak peak at the fun workshop with the kit.

On 9th August, where we call “Haku (89) no hi” -the day of metallic leaves,- we annually hold a gilding workshop. Following the Bathrooms’ Ducks last year, we enjoyed gilding Jizo Statue in the Koto Kit this year.
Although none of the participants have ever worked with gold leaves, they all nailed it

Isn’t it exciting that we can further paint on the golden statue later on, to make it even more special.
For those interested in working with metallic leaver, recommend Koto Kit as a promising buddy to start with.