The ABCs of The Gold Paint SAILING GOLD 金箔・金粉の通販は至善堂 – Shizendo

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Our original gold paint, Sailing Gold was born in response to the request of Buddhist Altercraftspeople who traditionally used a lot of gold leaves and powder. Having sold this for over 20years, it has starred in many other different industries. 

Today we would like to introduce the ever-improving and enriching lineup of our gold paint.

■Hint to Selecting The One

①Pros and Cons

The first question about using golden paint is whether to pick water-based or oil-based. They both
have pros and cons. You can erase the oil-based ones with thinner, but not the water-based ones once
it is dried.

No smell

Water-washable after use

Slower to dry
The weather and season might not be suitable
Oil-BasedFaster to dry
Finishes are more durable and
Resistant to any weather
Has smell
Flammable- be cautious of the working

②Handiness and Durability

◆What Are You Painting?◆

Please contact us with any inquiries or for other unique products that are not on the online store yet.

◆The ABCs of Painting

  1. Prepare the surface
    Make it as smooth as possible by filing bumpiness and removing stains.
  2. Apply the Primer
    If the surface is absorptive, apply a primer to prevent absorption.
  3. Apply the paint.
  4. Apply the topcoat.

*Optional. Our Protectors for Leaves could be an option.

[Tutorial Video] Applying Gold Paint on Diverse Base Materials

Starting from the 2nd of October, we are holding a special exhibition on our gold paints.
Please stop by if you are in town.