Maki-e: A Japanese Lacquerware with various kinds of Gold Powders
What is Maki-e?
Maki-e is one of the lacquer craft techniques that originated in the Nara period (710-794). Since the Heian period (794-1185), maki-e has been used for furnishings and Buddhist ritual utensils of aristocrats, and warriors and is a traditional decorative technique that has developed uniquely in Japan through the culture of merchants and merchants.Generally, gold and silver powders or colored powders are sprinkled on the surface, and those combined with mother-of-pearl inlays are also included in this category.Even today, it is applied to bowls and other handicrafts, as well as small articles for Buddhist rituals and Sekku dolls, and is probably one of the most familiar traditional crafts for us.
What's Imitation Metal Powder
FAQs Regarding Gold Powder
Kintsugi, and paintings and crafts of the East and the West… these are some of the major states for the gold powder. With fine particles and smooth texture, Gold Powder has been one of the most popular items throughout our long history.
This time we did some experiments to answer some of the FAQs regarding gold powder: - How much can you draw with a bag of gold powder? - What are the colour variations of the gold powder? - How much does brass powder go through colour change over time? - Why should we polish the finished piece?
The ABCs of The Gold Paint SAILING GOLD
Our original gold paint, Sailing Gold was born in response to the request of Buddhist Alter
craftspeople who traditionally used a lot of gold leaves and powder. Having sold this for over 20
years, it has starred in many other different industries.
Today we would like to introduce the ever-improving and enriching lineup of our gold paint.
Traditional or Contemporary- Shopping Tips for Pure Gold Leaf
純金箔の2つの種類「縁付」と「断切」。製造方法やスペックにどのような違いがあり、またどうやって選ぶと良いのでしょうか。比較して見ました。 -
[FILM] At the Gold Powder Workshop
一貫して自社生産を続けている「純金泥」(金消)の生産工程をムービーに収めました。その品質管理は目視や手作業に頼る部分が大きく、 長年経験を積んだ職人によって作られています。 沈殿を繰り返し、乾燥させて出来る微粒子は、色伸び・艶・発色に優れ長年日本画や工芸のアーティストに愛されてきました。 -
[FILM] The Craftsmanship behind Gold Leaf Production - Contemporary "Tachikiri" Gold Leaf
We visited the manufacturing site of the gold leaf, which is a modern gold leaf manufacturing method. The carbon paper is used to beat out the top layer, and each piece of paper is sandwiched between pieces of interleaving paper with gold leaf chopsticks.
Japanese Traditional Decorative Techniques: - Sungao, Kirihaku, and Noge
住宅の襖や掛け軸・書道の用紙に金箔や銀箔で砂を蒔いたように、または真四角の小さな箔模様や糸のように切った箔が装飾されているのをご覧になったことがありますか?「砂子(すなご)」「切箔」「野毛」と言う伝統的な箔技法をご紹介します。 -
Golden Leaves- Genuine Gold, Brass, Oxidised Silver and Colourd Silver
Metallic leaves in golden colour… more than just genuine gold leaves! There are “gold leaves” out there that do not contain any genuine gold. That...
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