cookie_policy 金箔・金粉の通販は至善堂 – Shizendo

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HORI METAL LEAF AND POWDER. Co, Ltd (hereinafter, referred to as “we,” “us”) shall send the visitors (hereinafter, referred to as “you”) Cookies as you visit Shizendo (hereinafter, referred to as “this website”).
Cookies are simple text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device. It will contain information about your usage history or input information on this website.

Purpose of Use

Our purpose in using Cookies is to and provide you with better services. Cookies allow us to recognize you automatically whenever you visit our website so that we can personalize your experience. For example, you may have experienced skipping the login process when visiting a website for the second time which you had to for your first visit. That is where the Cookie provided its information. If you allow your browser to use Cookies, websites shall acquire your Cookie information. In order to protect your privacy, however, the Cookie information we receive by your browser is limited to the Cookies we have previously sent you.

The Acquisition of Cookie Information by the Third Parties

The advertisement on this website may be provided by third parties such as Google Inc.. For this purpose, those third parties may use your Cookie information. The third parties shall proceed the cookie information they acquired in compliance with their Cookies Policy.

Stopping the Third Parties’ Use of Cookies for Displaying Advertisements

You may stop the third parties’ use of your Cookie Information for the advertisements, by accessing the opt-out (to stop providing personal information to any third parties) page found in the applicable third parties’ websites.

Permission and Rejection of Reception/Transmission of Cookie Information

You may choose your settings regarding the reception and transmission of Cookie information from options such as “Allow all Cookies” “Reject all Cookies,” or “Notify Me when Receiving Cookies.” Setting process may vary depending on the browser you use. Please refer to the “Help” menu of your browser regarding the Cookies Setting.
Please be notified, that if you select “Reject All Cookies,” services you receive online may be restricted, for example, you might lose access to the services that require identification.

Inquiries about cookies


Last Modified on 18th/January/2021